When we lived in Chicago, Ken and I loved walking around the gardens of the Baha’i Temple in Wilmette (the northern shore of Chicagoland), a place for meditation and prayer. This Temple is one of the eight continental Baha’i Temples in the world, and the oldest of them all. The architect, Louis Bourgeois, intended to reflect the Baha’i belief of the oneness of humanity and the unity of all people and faiths. He said of his design, “There are combinations of mathematical lines, symbolizing those of the universe, and in their intricate merging of circle into circle, and circle within circle, we visualize the merging of all ... into one.”
The pylons reference symbols of world religions, including the Star David, the cross, the nine-pointed star, and the star and crescent. During my recent trip to Chicago, it was a beautiful experience capturing the crescent moon rise over one of my favorite places in the world.
