Hi, I'm Amethel . . .
A photographer, creative professional, curious adventurer, and a world citizen.
I have over 30 years of multidisciplinary experience as an award-winning editor-in-chief, creative director, photography editor, multimedia producer, photographer, graphic designer, and educator.
I'm the Editor-in-Chief/Creative Director of Brilliant Star, an international publication encouraging social justice, global citizenship, and use of the arts to make the world a better place.
At the International Exhibition of Photography of the San Diego County Fair, the largest and oldest juried print competition in the U.S., I'm a coordinator. Along with the exhibition, we curate an educational program exploring diverse genres of photography.
Light Chasers is a photographic learning community that I founded in 2017. We encourage each other in our craft and host competitions, workshops, meet-ups, exhibits, and delicious potlucks.
Often, I'm chasing the moon, the stars, the sun, and other beautiful light. Or you'll find me in my camper-van savoring a good cup of coffee with my family, plotting the next adventure.
Driven by a deep sense of purpose to make a difference in the world, I use my multidisciplinary skills in visual communications and leadership to advance the causes of world citizenship, social justice, the arts, education, and environmental stewardship. As a collaborative leader, I seek to empower individuals and teams by building and nurturing environments founded on trust, respect, consultation, and high standards of excellence and creativity.

Learn by Traveling
As a lifelong learner, I believe that travel is one of the best teachers. Learning about other people and different ways of life leads to personal growth and builds understanding, resilience, and unity. One of our favorite ways to travel is in our camper-van, The Light Chaser.